{ TAG } I Should Have Read That Book

Hey friends!

I’m coming back today with a new tag about the books I should have read a long time ago but for some reasons still haven’t. I’ve been tagged for this by Marie @Drizzle and Hurricane Books six months ago, but because of my blog’s glitches, I had to postpone publishing this until everything was settled. Now that it’s done, and since I’m a woman of my word, it’s here and ready.

I was really excited to post this tag since I’m the kind of reader that reads 40+ books each year and who still manage to have a growing TBR so I thought it could be fun to talk about the reasons behind the state of my TBR pile.

The Rules:

  • Thank the person who tagged you and link back to their post.
  • Link to the creator’s blog in your post
  • Answer the questions below
  • Tag 10 others to take part in the tag
  • Enjoy the tag!
A book that a certain friend is always telling you to read

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Samantha Shannon – The Priory of the Orange Tree

I don’t have many IRL bookish friends since people in France don’t read in English and therefore don’t have the same interests in books. However, I have two specifics friends that share my tastes and one of them keep pushing me to read The Priory of the Orange Tree. And it seems like I’m going to listen to her in a close future since I just added this book to my 2020 TBR, fingers crossed.


A book that’s been on your TBR forever and yet you still haven’t read it

60510Maria V. Snyder – Poison Study

Poison Study is THE book that has been on my TBR the longest. To give you details, I created my Goodreads account in March 2014, and added this book soon after, in July 2014. I organised many challenges over the years to help me shriek my TBR, and Poison Study always managed to fall through the cracks. However, 2020 is the last year I’m giving this book a chance to be read because if I don’t find it in me I probably never will. Those of you who loved this book, please send me your praises to make me read this before it’s too late.


A book in a series you’ve started, but haven’t gotten around to finishing

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There aren’t many series I start and don’t finish, because I usually try to wait for the full series to be out before starting it, however, the main reasons I might not finish a series right away is that the penultimate book didn’t hook me enough to jump right to the next one. It was the case for Isla and the Happily Ever After (this might not even be considered as a series), and for Bloodwitch (I didn’t like the two previous books but I somehow still want to give this one a chance. For Legendary, I actually read the first book right when it came out and waited for the full series to be published before reading the second one. However, I don’t know what I’m waiting for now. Now about Traitor to the Throne, I can’t give you a real reason, I received an ARC of the first book and loved it, but I guess too long has passed between reading the first book and the second one being published,  and I don’t remember enough about the first book to gather the strength to read this one.


A classic you’ve always liked the sound of, but have never actually read

10210. sy475 Charlotte Bronte – Jane Eyere

I know, shame on me for that one. The worst part is that I’m DYING to read it, it sounds so good and I loved Wuthering Heights written by her sister Emilie Bronte. The synopsis is really engaging and I don’t see why I haven’t read this so far. But I really need to get on board in 2020 because I can’t stand the shame anymore and I’m angry about missing out on what could be an amazing story. Also, because I added it in 2014, it’s its last year to get a chance to be read.


A popular book that it seems everyone but you has read

16068905 Rainbow Rowell – Fangirl

This book arrived on my TBR because someone mistakenly delivered it to my company back in 2014, and since my coworker knew I read in English she gave it to me. I didn’t know back then how big this book was, I didn’t even know about Rainbow Rowell. However, since then, I read Carry On and didn’t like it that much and it made me kind of afraid about this one. But as all the books I added in 2014, same goes for this one, if I don’t read it this year, it’s going away for good.


A book that inspired a film/TV adaptation that you really love, but just haven’t picked up yet

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Diana Gabaldon – Outlander & George R.R. Martin – Game of Thrones

I decided to put two books in the same category because they are here for the exact same reasons. Like many, I fell in love with Outlander & Game of Thrones TV shows, and over the years I wanted to switch to the books to satiate my thirst for more. However, I never could find the strength to read those books because… they are too freaking long! For those who don’t know yet, I’m a committed reader, I really seldom DNF books (it happened to me like 4 times for my whole reading life) because I’m a hopeless optimist and I always think the book can get better. So I read and read some more and often fall in a slump. And the worst part is that I also feel compelled to finish a book series because I read the first one. So when I start a book/series, it’s a long term commitment for me, and I’m not ready for those gigantic books in really long series. I’m too scared.


A book you see all over Instagram but haven’t picked up yet

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Taylor Jenkins Reid – The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

This book (as well as Daisy Jones & The Six by the same author) has been all over bookstagram. I’ve seen them talked about in many booktube videos and featured in an impressive number of blogs and Goodreads account. And still, I haven’t read them. I know I will, because I’m interested in them, but the reason I’m postponing then is probably that I’m not the biggest fan of historical fiction and therefore I’m afraid I’ll not enjoy them because of that. I know I will give them a chance but I have to prepare myself a little bit more I guess.

I’m tagging….
  1. Emer @A Little Haze
  2. Meghan @Whimsically Meghan
  3. Karen @Twisted in Pages
  4. Octavia @Mermaid Reads
  5. Stacy @A Court of Coffee and Books
  6. Kat @Novels and Waffle
  7. Jenna @Bookmark Your Thoughts
  8. @The Orang-Utan Librarian
  9. Star @Little Miss Star
  10. Alice @Love for Words

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Did you try this tag? Tell me about your results!

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French Book Blogger and avid reader 📚 - YA, Adult, NA, Fantasy, Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance -, LGBT & disability rep 🏳️‍🌈, Ravenclaw Potterhead △⃒⃘, English teacher 👩🏼‍🏫 living to travel 🌍, proud mom of Padfoot 🐕 and Juniper 🐈

21 thoughts on “{ TAG } I Should Have Read That Book

  1. Thank you for the tag! Poison Study has been on my TBR for a long time as well, but I want to get around to reading it soon! Like you, I haven’t finished the Caraval series, but I really liked book one so I don’t know what I’m waiting for. You NEED to read Evelyn Hugo! It’s absolutely amazing, and I can’t recommend it enough!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for tagging me! 😀
    I agree with you on Outlander and Game of Thrones… I’ve always wanted to pick up Outlander… so much so I’ve had dreams about reading it haha! I haven’t watched the show, but I’d like to pick up the books before I watch it. I’ve read I think the first 4 GOT books, but I’ve seen most of the TV show (still have to see the last season) but I do want to do a whole re-read of the books, one day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome! I hope you’ll enjoy yourself doing it 🙂
      Yes I just need to read them because I know they will be amazing but they seem so time consuming! I’m up to date with both outlander and game of thrones tv shows but I know the books will probably go deeper into the story and I truly can’t wait 🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I haven’t read Evelyn Hugo yet but the hype around it had me adding it to my TBR despite it being a bit different from my usual reads. Hopefully we enjoy it 🙂 I really liked Poison Study. It was a fresh take on something that’s quite common in the YA fantasy genre now. Back then it was quite different from the other books being published, so I hope you enjoy it!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh how I adore Jane Eyre! It’s so witty Laurie!! Like the banter between Jane Eyre and Rochester is amazing. I honestly didn’t expect a classic to have so much sass…should’ve known though. The brontes were amazing. I loved Wuthering Heights too but it’s a very different kind of novel to Jane Eyre. Thank you for the tag lovely ☺️☺️☺️💛💚💙❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Ohhh love this post!!! SAME for Poison Study. I read the author’s other series (and it was my favourite series for a wHILE) but I’ve never gotten around to reading it??? I probably really should hahaha. I hope you read seven husbands soon! I was in the same situation as you, I literally saw that book everywhere, and I finally read it and I have to say the hype is CORRECT. That book was amazing 😂 And I have to admit, as much as I loved Fangirl, it took me a little while to get through, maybe because the middle was a bit slow. Still, it’s worth the read!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for all your answers! I didn’t even know there was another series written by Marie V Snyder! What is it? I know Evelyn Hugo seems like it’s worth the hype, it’s not my usual type of books and I’m afraid to go out of my confort zone 😂 right after writing this post I started Fangirl and finished it yesterday, I really liked it I went with the audiobook version and it definitely was a good option 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Anytime!! Yesss I’m pretty sure it’s called Touch of Power!! From what I can remember they’re really good (angsty af) books I loved when I was young (no idea what would happen/if I’d still like them if I reread them today tho 🤔). And I totally feel that hahaha. I was super scared to read evelyn hugo for the longest time (the book looked really intimidating for some reason?) but in the end I’m so glad I picked it up because wow that book 😳 I hope you read it soon!! And yessss Fangirl that’s awesome!! Have you read Carry On?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Great I’ll definitely check it out then! Don’t worry I have the same feelings about many books I read before 2015, I’m not sure if you would still like them if I reread them today xD
        I agree Evelyn Hugo is so intimidating but thank you for your advice, I’ll definitely try soon I hope
        I read carry on like four years ago and it was quite okay but I think I misjudged it back then because I didn’t know it was supposed to be Cath’s fan fiction ^^ what about you?

        Liked by 1 person

      3. ohhh I also read Carry On before I read Fangirl (and loved it!!!) but I definitely had to ask around because I was super confused, like is this supposed to be a harry potter AU or…? 😂 But once someone explained it made sense lol
        Either way, I really hope you end up liking Evelyn Hugo, and I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it!!! ❤️

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Sorry for my late reply, I was backpacking in France, and didn’t have access to a computer for a while 😊

      I’m currently reading Jane Eyre and I’m halfway through it and I have to say that so far it’s really good! I know TJR has been on my radar for so long it’s now time I give her a try 🤩


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